My Mission:


Hello everyone! My name is DeRanker. I am the sole developer, writer, and creator of DeRanker Games. I have played video games all my life and I hope to extend that love to everyone that uses this website. Enjoy!

Privacy and Trust

Privacy is something I take seriously. Since it is so important to me, I have decided to make this website all front-end -- meaning all of the code is ran on your browser. This is to ensure absolute privacy, as no data is being collected when you use any part of this website. I have also chose NOT to use any third party analytics, software, or embeded videos/images.

How I Review Games

I want to start out by saying that I love video games. That being said, I appreciate all types of games and will do my best to provide detailed insights for each game that I review. I will review the game within context of when it was created, the genre, and the type of art/music used. Since opinions can be subjective I encourage you to play the games for yourself and not base anything soley on what you read or see on this website.

"Privacy is not an option, and it shouldn't be the price we accept for just getting on the internet"

— Gary Kovacs